The content of this site is provided for general information purposes and no other purpose. Neither the information nor any opinion expressed on this site is an offer to provide any product or service. By communicating with Carolyn Barton electronically or using this site, you are legally bound by these Terms and Conditions.
Carolyn Barton has made reasonable efforts to ensure the accuracy, currency, completeness and electronic integrity of this site and the information published on it. However, Carolyn Barton cannot accept liability for any loss of any kind incurred as a result of reliance on the information provided in this site or any website which can be accessed by a link from this site, or the functioning of this site. The contents of this site are subject to change without notice.
This site may not be linked with another site without the express written consent of Carolyn Barton. Users of this site are reminded that this site's contents and constituent parts are protected by copyright and other laws.
Carolyn Barton excludes to the fullest extent permitted by law all liability for any claims, penalties, losses, damages, costs or expenses arising from the use of, or inability to use, this site or from any unauthorised access to or alteration of the site.
This site is established in the United Kingdom. Scottish law governs your use of this site. By accessing this site you agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Scottish Courts in relation to any claim or dispute arising out of or connected with your use of the site.
Trainees will not be registered as having completed a training course, nor will certificates be issued, until full payment is received.
Full attendance at the course and satisfactory completion of the course exercises and exam is required to gain certification.
Carolyn Barton reserves the right to refuse attendance/ enrolment at any training course.
All trainees must have an excellent understanding of the English language, both written and oral.
Places on courses are not transferable (other than by arrangement) and may not be sold to anyone.
Course material is copyrighted and all rights are reserved; Carolyn Barton retains the title and intellectual property rights to all courses. No material shall be copied, reproduced in any way, or distributed without prior written permission from Carolyn Barton. Files in the course Resources may be downloaded for non-commercial personal use only.
Every effort has been made to ensure the material (both written and oral) presented during the courses is complete and accurate. However, Carolyn Barton cannot be held legally responsible for any errors, omissions or misinterpretations of the material. Carolyn Barton will not be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential or other loss or damages of any kind resulting in any way from the use or misuse of the material.
It is the responsibility of trainees/ clients to ensure that the course content is appropriate for their needs by referring to the content as described on this web site.
The content of this site is for information only. Courses are regularly updated to reflect current practice - course content is subject to change without notice. Course fees are valid at the date the site was last updated, as stated below. Current course fees will be provided at booking.
Carolyn Barton cannot be held responsible for any government or regulator updates in future that might require trainees to undergo further or additional training or meet additional criteria to gain approval for work as an MMO/ PSO.
Carolyn Barton does not give any warranty that this website or any software used for courses is free from viruses or anything else that may cause harm and accepts no responsibility for the content or use of any other websites that you may access via links from the courses.
These terms and conditions are governed by and construed in accordance with Scottish Law and can be updated by Carolyn Barton at any time. All clients and trainees at training courses agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Scotland.
Further terms and conditions (including cancellation terms) are detailed below.
These terms and conditions are in addition to the terms and conditions for all courses above.
Attendance at classroom courses at a per person rate is subject to payment of the course fee beforehand. In the event of cancellation by trainees more than 14 days before the course date the fee will be refunded minus a cancellation charge of £10 per person. Any application for a refund must be made in writing or via e-mail. No refund will be due in the event of cancellation by trainees within 14 days of the date of the course, except at the discretion of Carolyn Barton.
For established companies, credit may be available by arrangement for a period of 30 days after the course, at the discretion of Carolyn Barton. Where credit has been arranged, in the event of cancellation by clients/ trainees notified in writing or by e-mail more than 14 days before the course a cancellation charge of £10 per person will apply. Any cancellation or non-attendance within 14 days of the date of the course will incur the full fee.
In the unlikely event of cancellation by Carolyn Barton any fees already paid will be refunded in full. Carolyn Barton will not be liable for any costs incurred by delegates. Every effort will be made to provide a course on an alternative date.
Places at courses are not transferable and may not be sold to anyone.
It is the responsibility of the trainee to ensure that the course content is appropriate for their needs by referring to the content as described on this web site.
These terms and conditions are in addition to the terms and conditions for all courses above.
Any agreement to provide training does not allow the client to be recognised as an accredited trainer. All accreditation remains solely with Carolyn Barton.
Advertising the course(s) is only allowed in consultation with and with the agreement of Carolyn Barton, to ensure that any advertisement accurately reflects the course(s) being offered.
The client is responsible for providing a suitable course venue and equipment as specified at the time of booking.
For companies paying the group rate, the normal maximum is 10 persons per group; more than 10 persons may be accepted by prior arrangement, but a surcharge may be made.
Payment for training courses is due within 30 days after the course and shall include reimbursement of receipted travel and subsistence costs. In accordance with legislation, late payments may incur statutory interest plus a debt recovery fee at the rates current at the time when the payment was due.
The course may be cancelled by the client upon notification to Carolyn Barton by telephone, in writing or by e-mail. The course shall not be deemed to be cancelled until receipt of such notification by Carolyn Barton. If the course is cancelled by the client more than 3 days prior to the start of the course there will be no liability to pay any course fees but any expenses (or commitment thereto) incurred by Carolyn Barton prior to cancellation shall be paid by the client. In the event of cancellation by the client 3 days or less prior to the start of the course the client will be liable to pay the full fee together with any expenses (or commitment thereto) incurred by Carolyn Barton prior to cancellation; transfer to another date is possible subject to availability but any costs incurred therein shall be paid by the client.
In the event of unforeseen circumstances (e.g. delayed or cancelled flights) preventing the course from running, any expenses (or commitment thereto) incurred by Carolyn Barton shall be paid by the client.
In the unlikely event of cancellation by Carolyn Barton refunds will be limited to course fees already paid. Carolyn Barton will not be liable for any costs incurred by trainees or clients. Every effort will be made to provide a course on a suitable alternative date.
Places at courses are not to be sold by the client to anyone for profit; the client may only recover a share of the costs from trainees.
It is the responsibility of the client to ensure that the course content is appropriate for their needs by referring to the content as described on this web site. Any requests for variations from the standard content should be made in writing to Carolyn Barton prior to booking.
These terms and conditions are in addition to the terms and conditions for all courses above.
Attendance at training courses is subject to payment of the course fee beforehand – places cannot be reserved without payment of the course fee. In the event of cancellation by trainees more than 7 days before the course the fee will be refunded. Any application for a refund must be made in writing or via e-mail. No refund will be due in the event of cancellation by trainees within 7 days of the date of the course, except at the discretion of Carolyn Barton.
For established companies, credit may be available by arrangement for a period of no later than 30 days after the course, at the discretion of Carolyn Barton. Any cancellation or non-attendance within 7 days of the date of the course will incur the full fee. In accordance with legislation, late payments may incur statutory interest plus a debt recovery fee at the rates current at the time when the payment was due.
In the unlikely event of cancellation by Carolyn Barton, any fees already paid will be refunded in full. Carolyn Barton shall not be liable for any costs incurred by trainees. Every effort will be made to provide a course on a suitable alternative date.
It is the responsibility of trainees to provide a computer and a good internet connection for joining the Zoom sessions.
Places at courses are not transferable and may not be sold to anyone.
These terms and conditions are in addition to the terms and conditions for all courses above.
It is the responsibility of clients to provide appropriate computers/ laptops and a good internet connection for all trainees to join the Zoom sessions.
Payment for training courses is due within 30 days after the course. In accordance with legislation, late payments may incur statutory interest plus a debt recovery fee at the rates current at the time when the payment was due.
The course may be cancelled by the client upon notification to Carolyn Barton by telephone, in writing or by e-mail. The course shall not be deemed to be cancelled until receipt of such notification by Carolyn Barton. For cancellation more than 3 days prior to the start of the course there will be no liability to pay any course fees. In the event of cancellation by the client 3 days or less prior to the start of the course the client will be liable to pay the full fee; transfer to another date is possible subject to availability.
In the unlikely event of cancellation by Carolyn Barton, refunds will be limited to any course fees already paid. Carolyn Barton shall not be liable for any costs incurred by trainees or clients. Every effort will be made to provide a course on a suitable alternative date.
Any agreement to provide training does not allow the client to be recognised as an accredited trainer. All accreditation remains solely with Carolyn Barton.
Advertising the course(s) is only allowed in consultation with and with the agreement of Carolyn Barton, to ensure that any advertisement accurately reflects the course(s) being offered.
Places at courses are not to be sold by the client to anyone for profit; the client may only recover a share of the costs from trainees.
These terms and conditions are in addition to the terms and conditions for all courses above.
Access to the training course is subject to payment of the course fee beforehand. On payment of the fee you will receive an enrolment email allowing you to access the course – please allow up to 24 hours for the enrolment email to arrive.
A refund is only available if you change your mind within 14 days of payment of the fee and if you have not started the course (i.e. have not accessed it). Any application for a refund must be made in writing or via e-mail. The fee is non-refundable once the course has been started (accessed) or if 14 days have elapsed since payment of the fee.
It is the responsibility of trainees to provide a device with a good internet connection and a compatible browser for viewing the course.
Access to the course is available for 12 months. This can be extended on payment of a small annual fee, to be determined each year.
Trainees will not be registered as having completed a training course, nor will certificates be issued, until full payment is received, the course has been completed (all pages studied over an appropriate time period) and the exam passed. For the JNCC MMO course the data recording exercise will also need to be completed to a satisfactory standard. Learner analytics will be used to assess whether sufficient time has been spent studying the course. Please allow up to 7 days after course completion to receive your certificate, although you will usually receive it sooner. Lost certificates can be replaced free of charge. Please note that once a certificate has been issued, if during any period of enrolment (including extended enrolment) you require your certificate to be updated with a later date (e.g. as evidence of retraining) this will require the course and exam to be repeated and payment of a recertification fee.
PSOs working in the US require approval from the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS); training is only part of the requirements for approval as a PSO, certain qualifications and experience are also required. It is the responsibility of the trainee to establish what the criteria for approval are (guidance is available here) and to ensure that they meet these criteria should approval be sought. Carolyn Barton accepts no responsibility for anyone who completes the PSO course but is unable to gain approval from NMFS for work as a PSO. Carolyn Barton cannot be held responsible for any government or regulator updates in future that might require trainees to undergo further or additional training or meet additional criteria to gain approval for work as a PSO.
Places at courses are not transferable and may not be sold to anyone. It is assumed that the person who has registered is the person who has completed the course. Carolyn Barton reserves the right to withhold certificates if it is discovered that another person has done any part of the course.
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