PSO e-learning course

This course is aimed at personnel who will be acting as Protected Species Observers (PSOs) in offshore waters of the US Gulf of Mexico and US Atlantic. The PSO course introduces the regulations and mitigation protocols that apply and aims to equip PSOs with all the necessary knowledge to fulfill their role effectively. The course trains delegates in the requirements of the Seismic Survey Mitigation and Protected Species Observer Protocols and typical mitigation requirements for offshore wind energy developments. Carolyn Barton has been accepted to train PSOs by the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) and the Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement (BSEE) since 2003; the syllabus for the latest revision of the course has been developed in consultation with NOAA Fisheries, also known as the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS).

PSO e-learning course registration

PSO refresher course

PSO e-learning course content

Who is the course for?

Browser requirements

PSO e-learning course registration

Course delivery:
Online, self-navigated

Accessible on:
Desktop PC, laptop, tablet or mobile phone. You will need a compatible browser (see below).

£180 (discounts for students/recent graduates, groups, or combined MMO and PSO courses)

The course is self-navigated at your own pace - as a guide it is estimated that it would take 3 full days to complete the course, although you can break it down into shorter sessions over a longer period to suit yourself.  The course includes comprehensive downloadable resources for you to keep. There are revision questions with feedback at the end of topics to consolidate your learning. The final assessment comprises multiple choice and drag-and-drop questions; if you do not pass first time you will be able to review your answers to see where you need to focus your study before re-sitting the assessment.

To register for the course please return the registration form to . You will be sent a Paypal invoice for the course fee - once paid you will receive a link to access the course (please allow up to 24 hours to receive the link). You will have access to the course for 12 months (this can be extended for a small annual fee; the course is regularly updated so continued enrollment will give you access to the latest information).

If you have any questions while doing the course support is available by email; if you would prefer to talk face-to-face a Zoom session can be set up. 

PSO refresher course:

The PSO e-learning course can be done as a refresher for those who have completed PSO training previously but want to update their certificate. Please note, this is not a shortened course, to ensure that you meet training requirements for NMFS approval you will have access to the full syllabus and all current course resources but at a reduced cost of £95. Please email to register - you will need to provide existing certification.

Sample pages from the online PSO e-learning course

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PSO e-learning course content

The following gives a brief outline of the topics covered on the course:
  • Introduction - the role of the PSO and regulation and oversight in the US.
  • Marine mammals and sea turtles - an introduction to their biology and threats to populations.
  • Sound in the seas - sources of sound in the sea, the potential effects of noise on marine fauna.
  • Legislation - legal protection for marine mammals in the US, including the Marine Mammal Protection Act and Endangered Species Act.
  • Activities that require mitigation - introduction to geophysical surveys, piling and the use of explosives.
  • Geophysical survey mitigation protocol - the requirements of Appendix A: Seismic Survey Mitigation and Protected Species Observer Protocols.
  • Vessel strike avoidance - the requirements of Appendix C: Vessel Strike Avoidance and Injured/Dead Aquatic Protected Species Reporting.
  • Explosive removal of structures - an overview of Appendix I: Explosive Removal of Structures Measures – introduction to the Platform Removal Observer Program (PROP).
  • Offshore wind energy developments - mitigation for construction of offshore wind energy developments  based on example mitigation measures included in Incidental Take Authorizations.
  • Visual monitoring - methods and equipment, range estimation, recording marine mammal behavior, basics of navigation and assessing weather conditions.
  • An introduction to Passive Acoustic Monitoring (PAM) - PAM deployment options, PAM hardware, PAMGuard software and range estimation.
  • Working as a PSO - the role of the PSO, PSO tasks, communication, the PSO approval process, other practicalities for working as a PSO, professional conduct and health and safety.
  • Life at sea - guidance for those who are new to offshore work, providing practical information regarding aspects of life at sea.
  • Identification - detailed species accounts for marine mammal and sea turtle species found in the US Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico, with photographs.
  • Assessment - multiple choice and drag-and-drop questions. Pass mark 80% (as set by NMFS). If you do not pass first time you will be able to review your answers to see where you need to focus your study before re-sitting the assessment.
  • Resources - downloadable resources that cover the content of the course, for you to download and keep.

Who is the course for?

This course is for those who want to work as a PSO for the offshore industries in the US Gulf of Mexico and US Atlantic. Please note that PSOs working on explosive removal of offshore structures are trained directly by NMFS, and separate training is required for PSOs working on nearshore dredging. This course is for those working more generally on offshore geophysical surveys and construction of offshore wind energy developments.

There are no prerequisites for taking the course, but delegates should be aware that approval from NMFS is required for work as a PSO in addition to PSO training. To gain approval, in addition to training PSOs are expected to have successfully attained a bachelor’s degree from an accredited college or university with a major in one of the natural sciences, a minimum of 30 semester hours or equivalent in the biological sciences, and at least one undergraduate course in math or statistics. The educational requirements may be waived if the PSO has acquired the relevant skills through alternate experience, but this is at the discretion of NMFS. Acoustic PSOs also need PAM training in addition to PSO training. Further information on the approval process can be viewed here.

The course is presented in English, so delegates should have sufficient understanding of the English language to study the course and complete the assessment.

Please note that to work as an PSO offshore you will need appropriate offshore survival and medical fitness certificates.

Browser requirements

The course is online and can be viewed on a desktop PC, laptop, tablet or mobile phone. You will need a compatible browser; recommended browsers are the latest versions of the following:

Desktop and laptop computers:

Google Chrome (Windows/ Mac)
Mozilla Firefox (Windows/ Mac)
Microsoft Edge (Windows)
Apple Safari (Mac)

Mobile phones and tablets:

Google Chrome (Android)
Mozilla Firefox (Android)
Apple Safari (iOS) 


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