JNCC geophysical survey guidelines - downloads of the JNCC geophysical survey guidelines, the JNCC recording forms and JNCC's guide to making a rangefinder stick.
JNCC piling guidelines - downloads of the statutory nature conservation agency piling protocol, the JNCC recording forms and JNCC's guide to making a rangefinder stick.
JNCC explosives guidelines - downloads of the JNCC explosives guidelines, the Annex to the guidelines, the JNCC recording forms and JNCC's guide to making a rangefinder stick.
JNCC UXO clearance guidelines - downloads of the JNCC UXO clearance guidelines, the Annex to the guidelines, the JNCC recording forms and JNCC's guide to making a rangefinder stick.
JNCC PAM guidance - download of JNCC's PAM guidance.
JNCC - information on marine mammals and noise mitigation.
NMFS Seismic survey mitigation and protected species observer protocols - Appendix A in: Amended ITS on BOEM Gulf of Mexico Oil and Gas Program Tracking No. FPR-2017-9234.
Offshore industry:
Offshore Energies UK - information about the UK oil and gas industry.
Department for Energy Security and Net Zero - regulators for the UK offshore industry.
JNCC - information on marine mammals and offshore industries.
BOEM and BSEE - information about the offshore industries on the US Outer Continental Shelf.
NOAA Fisheries - science-based conservation and management for sustainable fisheries and aquaculture, marine mammals, endangered species and their habitats.
Survival courses and medicals:
A valid offshore survival certificate is required for working offshore in the UK sector. A certificate of medical fitness is also required to work offshore in the UK sector. Requirements may vary in other sectors.
Opito - lists survival training centres both in the UK and abroad.
Offshore Energies UK - lists Oil & Gas UK registered doctors.
Professional associations:
MMOA - the Marine Mammal Observer Association (MMOA) is a membership-based association with the aim of bringing together and representing individuals who work commercially and professionally as MMOs and Passive Acoustic Monitoring (PAM) Operators.
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